Priya Tomar

March 29, 2023
Meet Priya Tomar, an accomplished advocate who holds a post-graduate degree in Political Science. With her extensive knowledge and expertise in the field of law and politics, Priya has established herself as a respected figure in the legal community. Her passion for justice and commitment to upholding the law has earned her a reputation as

Rahul Singh

August 30, 2022
Rahul has started his career as digital marketeer in year 2006 after completing his graduation in computer applications. Since then Rahul has been providing best R.O.I. to his clients ! Rahul has worked as a corporate trainer for digital marketing agencies / institutes now he is associated as Business Partner with Buzzmatix. Rahul will be

Gunjan Priyadarshi

August 30, 2022
Gunjan Priyadarshi comes with more than 15 years of work experience across industries (Luxury E-commerce, Retailing and Banking). His past working stints includes big brand names like Barclays Bank(U.A.E.), Dunia Finance, (U.A.E.), Airtel, BigBazar , IBJA Gold and eJOHRI . He is Executive Alumni of IIM Kozhikode. He has donned his skills by acquiring Executive
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